I know you love your self-help books, but what you really need is someone to ask you the questions you're too afraid to ask yourself.

Hi, I'm Karen.

I don’t really like the term “coach,” but “professional questioner” doesn’t sound as catchy. It’s a better description of what I do, though. I ask my clients a lot of questions so they can understand themselves on a deeper spiritual and personal level. And don’t think you’ll get away with any sunday school type answers. I go straight for the heart. 

I’ve survived a toxic relationship, watched my dad die, had an abortion, , sailed across an ocean, and deconstructed my 30-year old christian beliefs. I don’t have any interest in surface level conversations.  And, my guess is, you don’t either.

 I am here to support women like you who really want to dig deep and deal with their emotional and spiritual baggage so they can move forward. I am here to ask you the hard questions that I desperately wanted someone to ask me – the gutwrenching, scary questions I finally got the courage to ask myself. 

Are you ready to finally face your life?


Tell me the truth...

Have you ever been disappointed when you sign up for a self-help program or  webinar or freebie and you check it out and… there’s nothing new. There’s nothing interesting, it’s just the same old information, the same old questions that you’ve seen everywhere else. “What do you want? What do you like to do? What are you good at?” And you think, really? People are paying hundreds of dollars for THIS? You wonder if you’re missing something or if this is really as deep as people are willing to go. 

Or maybe you bought a course only to find out it was like summer camp: a lot of hype and motivational speak, but no lasting life-change.

Look, all of those things are helpful, to a point. But, eventually, you need something more. You get frustrated and annoyed because you are so ready to go beyond those surface questions and really figure out what is holding you back, why you keep doing the same things over and over, why you can’t move forward, and why you still feel like you’re dealing with crap from your past, but it’s challenging to find someone who’s willing to go there with you.


Enough with the easy questions, ok?

We are braver than that.

I spent decades reading self-help books, listening to all the podcasts, and doing the work, but it wasn’t until I started asking myself the really, really hard questions (the ones that made me want to throw up when I said them out loud) that I finally let go of the shame, fear, and confusion that I had been dragging around like dead bodies, and experienced massive personal and spiritual growth.

Now, I’m excited to be the coach I wish I’d had. I am not going to let you get away with quick & easy answers. I am not going to believe that what you say on the surface is actually the truth that’s in your heart. I’m not going to let you dance around an issue just because it’s scary or tough. In our coaching sessions, I will ask you questions that take all my courage to ask, because I know they will take all your courage to answer. THAT is how much I care about your journey. THAT is how much I want you to grow. THAT is how much I respect your deepest, truest self. 


“Karen’s radical listening style and the questions she asked were stepping stones to even more radical insights. No therapist has even come close to uncovering the heart of the matter. Karen held my hand through a maze that I didn’t even know existed and supported me the entire way.”

~ Debi N.


Choose Courage

As my client, you will be challenged to go deeper into self-discovery than you ever have before. You will be encouraged and inspired to question everything; to get into the nitty-gritty of life; to take your introspective nature to the next level. You will be empowered to face change and take courageous actions in your life, and most of all – you will be introduced to a freedom unlike anything you’ve ever known.
It is not a journey for the faint-of-heart, but I know that this is exactly what your soul has been craving.

Personalized Experience

The only agenda is leading YOU on a journey of deep self-discovery. Every call, every assignment is tailored specifically to you.

Holistic Approach

You are not just skin and bones. You have a spirit, a body, and a mind. They're all interconnected and our coaching sessions will expand your perspective and embrace all of you.

Soul-full Offerings

I want you to have the resources you need for your journey. I will recommend books, suggest podcasts, and share meaningful poems and insights with you each week. It's not just a phone call, but a real soul-full connection.

The hardest, toughest, bravest, most beautiful thing you will ever do is come face to face with your own life. 

The latest from the blog

I will celebrate those moments when I muster the courage to push back against my limitations and be proud of who I am becoming.  I will not let that sneaky voice tell me that my overcoming is meaningless because whatever my fear or challenge was should have already been overcome, or better yet, never existed in the first place.

Every time we ask if we are “enough” or if we are “worthy,” we are still playing by someone else’s standards because “enough” and “worthy” always imply a comparison. When we talk about ourselves this way, we are constantly acknowledging that someone else’s approval or opinion determines our inherent value as a human being. And it’s time to STOP.

Our growth can look like failure. It can look like a mistake. It can look like an accident. But just because we feel like we’re taking a step backward, it doesn’t mean that our emotional or spiritual maturity isn’t moving forward! So often, we measure our success or growth by what we are doing instead of who we are being. I guarantee you that who you are being is far more significant than any tangible accomplishment you can point to.